Health care in the whole world has changed substantially in the last sixty years. New disciplines have emerged and the role of traditional health disciplines has broadened to keep pace with the changing emphasis from curative to primary health care. Nutrition one of the disciplines has been remarkably grown over the years. Focus has been shifted to role of diet in the cause of chronic diseases and examining the importance of nutrients in maintaining good health. Keeping in view the increasing importance of nutrition in the care of patients, Department of Home and Health Sciences has restructured the M.Sc Community Health and Nutrition Programme into MS Community Health and Nutrition on strong demand from health professionals. This programme offers a research based value added degree to upgrade professional practice of Doctors, Nurses, Nutritionists and Technologists to provide better jobs prospects at home and abroad. MS Community Health and Nutrition program is offered through video conferencing facility for a central control to standardize the quality of the program from Islamabad main campus of university to Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar regions. This can be expanded if a viable group of students is formed in other regions as well. The details are available in the prospectus displayed online on AIOU website.
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